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Parks & Recreation 5.10.2010 Minutes
Parks and Recreation Meeting Minutes of May 10, 2010

Committee Members: Lauren McMullen (LM), Billie Luker (BL), Rita Mullin (RM)
Staff:  Sheila Sturdevant (SS)
Absent: Sergio Coviello (SC), Marty Tilton (MT), Mike Fitzpatrick (MF)
7:12pm Quorum, meeting called to order Lauren McMullen

Audience of Citizens:  None

Acceptance of Minutes: 3/1/10, 3/24/10, 3/29/10

(BL) Billie Luker made a motion to accept the minutes from the meeting on March 1, 2010 as is.
(RM) Rita Mullin seconds the motion
No Discussion was had.
Approved:  3    Opposed: 0              Abstained: 0
Motion passed                                           

(BL) Billie Luker made a motion to accept the minutes from the meeting on March 24, 2010 as is.
(RM) Rita Mullin seconds the motion
No Discussion was had.
Approved:  3    Opposed: 0              Abstained: 0
Motion passed                                           

(BL) Billie Luker made a motion to accept the minutes from the meeting on March 29, 2010 as is.
(RM) Rita Mullin seconds the motion
No Discussion was had.
Approved:  3    Opposed: 0              Abstained: 0
Motion passed                                           

New Business
Selectman Mike Prisco-(LM)
Lauren informed the Committee that she received Michael Prisco resignation letter for North Reading Parks & Recreation Committee.  

2011 Wine and Food-(LM)
Lauren informed the committee that the 2011 Wine and Food are booked for March 25, 2011 at 7pm at the Hillview Country Club.

Turf Field Banner Advertisement-(LM)
Lauren stated that a sub committee should be formed for the Advertisement banners at the Turf Field to form a plan and research.
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Old Business
Operations Director (MS)
•       Town Hall Update
o       Tree on Common:  Maureen updated the committee on situation of Tree on Common and who will care for it. DPW said they mow the common but do not weed around the large tree where the mulch is.  Maureen explained to DPW that the common is not a park designated area therefore Parks & Recreation do not care for the tree.  Brian Wood had cared for the tree when it was in danger from failing only because he was a Tree Warden.  He had created a mulch bed in the area of the shade of the tree to help it thrive.  Since then Parks has not been responsible for caring for the mulch bed.

o       Trash/Dumpsters:   citizens who are delinquent on trash bills may be published in the local paper, therefore Parks and Recreation department was advised to watch the usage of trash and dumpsters to make sure trash is not being deposits by unauthorized persons.

•       Wine & Food Report
Maureen summarized financials for 2010 wine and food.  A summary was handed out.

•       Finance Update
Financial sheets were handed out for review by committee to go over at next meeting.  

Recreation Director Updates (LC)
•       Dogs on Town Hall Field
Lynne informed the committee of an incident occurring last Friday at the Town Hall Field during a Pee Wee Soccer Class with a neighborhood dog.  Previous courtesy calls have been made to the owner reminding them of classes at the field and asking them to keep the dogs leashed and away during the classes. There have been previous incidents with same dogs and owners. Last Friday after the incident Lynne had to call the dog officer.  Later that day the owner of the dogs call to apologize.

•       NYC Trip
The NYC trip will be running with only 28 people.  Lynne contacted the Bus company and they worked out a discount so that the trip was able to run.

•       Summerscape Director
Lynne hired a new Summerscape Director, Nicholas Tymoczko who is a North Reading Middle School Gym Teacher

Athletic Sub Committee-(LM)
Lauren suggested that Billie Luker be on the Athletic Sub committee.  Rita is currently on the committee.  Rita will ask if there can be two members from P&R on the committee.

Other Business
FEMA Meeting-(MS)
Maureen informed the committee that Marty will attend a FEMA meeting scheduled for next Thursday at 1pm.

Turf Field Business-(LM)
Lauren will like to know the schedule for the Turf Field for leagues, permits and events.

Next Meeting Dates-(SS)
        Town Meeting- June 7th, 2010
        Parks & Recreation- May 24th, June 14th and June 28th all in Room 5 at Town Hall.
        FONRPRC- June 2nd meeting cancelled and rescheduled for May 24th from 6-7pm in room 5, Town Hall

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(BL)    a motion was made by Billie Luker for the meeting to adjourn to adjourn at 8:41pm.
(RM)    Rita Mullin seconds the motion
        Accepted:  3            Opposed:  0             Abstained:  0
Motion passed.